Amarillo Spartan Track Club

Collegiate Greats
Spartan athletes have had the opportunity to show case their talents at the Collegiate level.

"The Amarillo Spartans is more then just a track program. They prepare you physically with gruesome workouts, but more importantly they prepare you mentally for the long grind that comes with not only track but life in general. Nothing is handed to you, you must go out and earn everything you get. I am honored to have been able to learn life lessons through the training of Coach Lloyd and Coach Everhart."

Denzel Everhart

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"Running for the Amarillo Spartans definitely builds character. You experience what it means to earn every win, be it during practice, or during competition. Attending summer practices and meets groomed me to withstand the tough practices to come at Texas Tech University. I found that my experiences with the Amarillo Spartans gave me a stronger resolve than my competitors. The lessons and work ethic I walked away with assist me throughout every aspect of my personal and professional life today. If you have a desire to fulfill your track and field dream, Spartan coaches can help make your dream a reality."

Kelsey Lloyd

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"I ran for the Spartans Track Club for 4 summers, everyday, 90 degree heat, and absenteeism was (and still is) highly discouraged. Was it hard? Of course. But I honestly think it was the most worthwhile thing I've ever done. I'm not going to lie, I wanted to quit many times, but I didn't. I was progressing, I was getting faster and I was winning. Coach Lloyd and Coach Everhart taught me things about the sport and about the mechanics of running that I've never gotten from another coach. More than that, I learned how to push myself. They taught me discipline, motivation and work ethic. All invaluable life lessons that helped me earn a scholarship, a college degree and even help me today as a young professional. It's hard to step on the track everyday knowing the workouts are designed to basically break you. But as the saying goes " Pain is temporary, pride is forever" and I'm proud to be a Spartan Alum."

Callie Haley

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